A selection of downloadable materials (infographics, handouts, and more) for OER and affordable course material leads to adopt for their own use.
If you would like to contribute additional materials to this list, please let one of the lead authors know. We’d be glad to feature additional resources of use to the community on our page!
8 Tips infographic source on Canva
Download a PDF copy of this infographic:
Pros and Cons infographic source on Canva
Download a PDF copy of this infographic:
Affordable Materials Comparison table source in Google Drawings
Download a PDF copy of this infographic:
Understanding your options infographic source on Piktochart
Download a PDF copy of this infographic:1
Full version:
Slightly scaled down version:
View it at Boise State ScholarWorks: Open Access and Education: Expanded
View the original at Iowa State Digital Repository: Open Access and Open Education
Best practices for course materials from Open Oregon Educational Resources, available under a Creative Commons Attribution license:3
Table from Toward Convergence: Creating Clarity to Drive More Consistency in Understanding the Benefits and Costs of OER by Katie Zaback, 2022.
Access the full report and additional materials on the MHEC Cost Savings and Return on Investment website.
These graphics were adapted by Abbey K. Elder from original graphics by Robert Ladd at NSCC’s Teaching Center, who graciously gave the authors permission to use his work.
Access our versions of the files on Canva: OER, OA, and Affordable Graphics
Affordable educational materials Venn diagram. (Created by Abbey K. Elder with draw.io)
Alternate, pastel version of Affordable educational materials Venn diagram. (Created by Abbey K. Elder with draw.io)
These nesting definitions graphics are free to use under a CC-0 license.