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Graphics and Handouts

A selection of downloadable materials (infographics, handouts, and more) for OER and affordable course material leads to adopt for their own use.

Published onOct 17, 2022
Graphics and Handouts

If you would like to contribute additional materials to this list, please let one of the lead authors know. We’d be glad to feature additional resources of use to the community on our page!


8 Tips for supporting Open Education Alongside Affordability Initiatives

8 Tips infographic source on Canva

Download a PDF copy of this infographic:

Affordable Course Material Options: Pros and Cons

Pros and Cons infographic source on Canva

Download a PDF copy of this infographic:

Can I do that? Affordable Course Material Options

Affordable Materials Comparison table source in Google Drawings

Download a PDF copy of this infographic:

Open & Affordable Course Materials: Understanding your options

Understanding your options infographic source on Piktochart

Download a PDF copy of this infographic:1

Open Access and Open Education: An infographic for faculty and support staff


Graphics used on other pages

Cost savings and return on investment

Graphic of a table looking at characteristics of learning material options, looking at whether materials are openly licensed, free from cost, free from personal data sharing, available in perpetuity, and available when a course starts.

OER, OA, and Affordable Materials

Graphic that reads Open Educational Resources. Freely available to read and share online. Openly licensed to facilitate "no fuss" adaptation, remixing, and redistribution, including in print.
Graphic that reads Affordable Educational Materials. Materials that are free or low-cost (typically under $50). The focus is on cost to read, not adaptation. Open licensing is not required. Includes low-cost textbooks, rentals, library materials, and free content such as OER.
Graphic that reads Open Access Content. Research and scholarly content that is published free to read without barriers. Open licenses used vary, and may include CC BY NC ND (no adapt or remix). Content may be shared through an OA publisher or a repository.

These graphics were adapted by Abbey K. Elder from original graphics by Robert Ladd at NSCC’s Teaching Center, who graciously gave the authors permission to use his work.

Nesting definitions of open and affordable materials

Dark blue nesting boxes of educational material types, from "educational materials" at the top level to "free to remix and adapt OER" at the most specific level.

Affordable educational materials Venn diagram. (Created by Abbey K. Elder with

Pastel rainbow nesting boxes of educational material types, from "educational materials" at the top level to "free to remix and adapt OER" at the most specific level.

Alternate, pastel version of Affordable educational materials Venn diagram. (Created by Abbey K. Elder with

These nesting definitions graphics are free to use under a CC-0 license.

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